...so is he."
Prov. 23:7
Captive Thoughts is dedicated to bringing every thought captive to Christ through the study of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms, Christian Character and Spiritual Growth Studies.
This page is devoted to studies in matters of the hand, Spiritual Growth - Lessons from the Garden.
This section subtitle is Lessons From The Garden, a commentary dealing with learning and living out our Christian life and walk.
“Gardens Just Don’t Happen”
Reckoning in Philippians 3:10 – Part 4
OUR author opens the next section saying, “Suffering is the lot of all men, the privilege of all believers. … There is no fellowship with,
Reckoning in Philippians 3:10 – Part 3 (lesson of my step-father)
I’M repeating myself I know, but I said at the opening of this chapter study that, For many a year, if not most of my
Reckoning in Philippians 3:10 – Part 2
IAM going rather long with this particular introduction. It is hard not to; there are critical points that need to be observed here. THERE is
Chapter 50—Reckoning in Philippians 3:10
WE come now to Chapter 50, titled Reckoning in Philippians 3:10, continuing our study of The Complete Green Letters, Part4 – The Realization of Spiritual
A STAR Moment
A STAR Moment BY now you – those who actually read these weekly missives – ought to be familiar with one of my favorite catch-phrases,
Reckoning in Galatians 2:20 – Part 4
REMEMBERING that Romans 8 follows the struggle defined and delineated in Roman 7 – “you can’t get to Roman 8 without going through Roman 7”