This is an excerpt and of a letter I wrote to my grandchildren back in 2021. It is edited and revised to speak to the broader audience at Captive Thoughts under the Musings menu heading The Way. I’ve titled it “These Three” – three scriptures that give shape to my world view frame of reference, and how they entered into my thoughts and continue to affect my life’s perspective.
These Three
As I enter my eightieth year of life, I find myself in a somewhat reflective mood. It is interesting for me going back and revisiting events of the past, among other things recalling the last words of my mother on earth and what they meant and still mean to me. I’ve been thinking a lot about “last words” lately, and what mine might be when I breath my last whisp of earthly air. This has been heightened by the fact that I’m reading through for the third time a book titled “Last Words of Saints and Sinners” by Herbert Lockyer. It is a sobering and enlightening read in many ways, causing me to occasionally pause and think what my last words will reveal about me. Obviously, at this point I can only surmise. For the moment, I’ll simply have to wait and see what my heart reveals when that time comes.
I have been thinking however, that if I knew that I could only leave behind one thought of lasting importance, it would unquestionably be caught-up in these three verses:
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2Tim. 3:16-17
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing [understanding] the word of truth. 2Tim. 2:15
In all of memories of my pilgrim’s journey, whenever I’m prompted to open scripture, those three verses so often jump to the top of my recollection. Yes, there are significant events and experiences that have shaped my story. But have you ever had a song get stuck in your head, and you can’t turn it off? Someone once said that every narrative needs a sound track; so, what is yours? If you were to pick a sound track to depict your life, what would you want it to be? All you need to think is Star Wars and what music comes to mind? Well anyway, these three verses are stuck in my mental sound track, and surface often as a fond and significant reminder of the path I have chosen, and how it defined so much for my life journey. The story behind these three verses goes something like this …..
I was a young man, recently married, having moved to a new town, starting a new job; on a fateful day holding my first born in my hands, thinking about the future in light of all the changes that had transpired. And yes, somewhat nervous if not deeply fearful in the reality of the moment. I recall talking to my step-father about my doubts and concerns and he handed me a tape recording. It was one of those real-to-real tapes that have long been replaced by newer technology. Instead of trying to answer my questions and concerns, he said, “I have been a Christian for many years, but until I listened to this, I never really understood the Bible.” You see, my step-father’s orientation to all of life was steeped in the Bible. For him, all answers to life’s questions were to be found there! So, that was all that needed to be said! “Take it and listen” he said, and I did.
I needed to purchase a real-to-real tape recorder, but after that investment I listened and was blown away. The preacher was very clear and concise in presenting the lessons on that recording, so much so that I wanted to hear more, and I did! Who he was and what he said is not important here except for this; in every single message and lesson presentation he would open and lead-off with those three verses quoted above; EVERY time! I remember hearing him in person a few times and it was the same routine every time. He drilled those three verses into my thoughts. He would open every session with those three verses in sequence and then say, “Now, open the Word of God to…..” – citing the Bible verse that would start the study. Even on the tape you could hear the flutter of pages as Bibles were being opened to the referenced starting point. And oh, the studies were marvelous! All who were seated in his presence did so with open bible and notebook in hand. There were no hand-out materials; and he preached with an overhead projector rapid-fire in multiple pointed lessons. But here is the thing. Yes, those studies were marvelous and helped shape my thinking and doing the Christian life in a very profound and tangible way. But, I subsequently discovered other teachers and studies of equal or greater value. Now I had heard some of these other teachers before, but now there was a change – not in what they said – but how I now heard what was being said. Their presentation hadn’t change, but I had changed in how I was receiving and benefiting from them. My approach, my attitude, my teachableness was changed through the routine of hearing those three verses over and over again in conjunction with those many studies! As a side note, I took that real-to-real tape recorder and set it up in the passenger seat of my 1968 VW bug (affectionately named, Mr. Green), listening to them every day going back and forth from work or on road-trips. Those three verses garnered a single strain of thought, a priority-one: This is God’s word; pay attention, learn it, and by faith, do it!! And by God grace, I did!
I eventually learned that that preacher was a retired military colonel, and had quite a storied history as a combat pilot in the Korean War. I believe and envisioned that he took those three verses as “marching orders” for going into the battle of the Christian faith and walk! I have come to appreciate the three-part rhythm or theme of those verses. In approaching any Bible verse or passage, to truly understand and learn it you must ask and seek the answer to: 1) what does it say, 2) what does it mean, and 3) what does it commend or command you? This three-part rhythm can be observed throughout Scripture; there is a past, present, and future, full orbed aspect to it. In many places in my Bible, I have garnered the habit to inscribe in pencil this 1, 2, 3 pattern whenever it is evident.
However, in saying that – there is “one more thought” I want to share. I need to add one more point. There is throughout scripture “these three” – plus one. Even though there is that utter necessity to ask: what does it say, mean, and command or direct me, there is one more important element that I have discovered which is the objective end and bottom-line to it all – and that is Christ in me, the hope of glory (Col. 1:27). I am now adding +1 to all my inscribed 1, 2, 3’s. Our studies as important as they are, will be all in vain if we do not seek or achieve Christ – in all that that means – as the center of our life. Jesus said, Search the scriptures; … they are they which testify of me. (John 5:39)
So, if I could convey only one thing at this point in my life it would be to look to the trustworthiness and power of the Word of God (Heb. 4:12); the invaluable instruction and wisdom available therein (2Tim 3:16-17); and the inexorable need of taking it to heart, mind, and hand (2Tim. 2:15) as a treasured guide in the quest for Christ (Col. 1:27); …and of course do it! As James put it … be doers of the word, and not hearers only (James 1: 22).
As I said in closing out my letter to my grandchildren – Well, next time I will pick up my story where I left off. I just wanted to make sure you heard this all-important part of it before all else is done. Remember, “these three plus one.” (1,2,3+1)
This is The Way.