Chapter 51—Reckoning in Colossians Three
TODAY, I am going to restrict my opening comments and go straight to our text, reserving my observations for next time. I do not want to my words to distract…
TODAY, I am going to restrict my opening comments and go straight to our text, reserving my observations for next time. I do not want to my words to distract…
We are now coming to end of Chapter 50 in our Complete Green Letters study of Reckoning in Philippians 3:10. To repeat this vital verse: That I may know him, and the power of…
OUR author opens the next section saying, “Suffering is the lot of all men, the privilege of all believers. … There is no fellowship with, and growth in, the crucified…
I’M repeating myself I know, but I said at the opening of this chapter study that, For many a year, if not most of my Christian life, Phil. 3:10 …had…
IAM going rather long with this particular introduction. It is hard not to; there are critical points that need to be observed here. THERE is another favorite book I place…
WE come now to Chapter 50, titled Reckoning in Philippians 3:10, continuing our study of The Complete Green Letters, Part4 - The Realization of Spiritual Growth. As we approach this…