Lessons from the Garden

Morning Meds

WE’VE completed Chapter 57 titled: Keep Looking Down.  But before we press on, I’d like to share a little aside.

I RECALL an annual physical check-up and visit with my physician.  Immediately after I was sent to the “lab” for the obligatory tests, seeing shortly thereafter an email prompting to log-in to the medical website and read not only the tests results but a message from the doctor.  All very efficient!  Oh, how times have changed over the years. 

EVERYTHING looked good; need to make a little adjustment to my daily routine and medications. But it appears I’m doing the right things regarding my health.  All this brought to mind a lot of what I’ve learned about the spiritual disciplines needed to stay spiritually healthy.  You see, there really is no difference.  Medical science has found that regular habits of exercise, good diet, proper medications and physical check-ups are the best way to stay ahead of the curve, stay healthy and avoid problems.  This is a fitting metaphor that is no less true of the Christian Life.

AS an elder I’ve had regular encounters and conversations with those under my care.  These are times of spiritual check-ups, Christian HMO’s as it were.  It does not take long to gauge those who are maintaining their meds (daily mediations/devotions), exercising and maintaining a healthy diet of prayer, Christian fellowship, worship and study of God’s Word – or not!  It is not rocket science to understand how to maintain a healthy and joyful Christian walk, yet I’m often dismayed as to how few understand this.  One of my favorite verses is Isa. 30:15 “In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”  But the verse doesn’t end there.  It goes on to say, “But you would not.”  Sadly the number of healthy vs. unhealthy, weak and under-nourished Christians, does not fair well in the balance. 

SO it is, I ask the same questions during my visitations that the doctor seems to ask of me when I visit him.  How often and how much do you exercise? Tell me about your diet?  Let’s look at your meds?  And so on….   Then there are the probing tests that reveal what’s really going on; and sometimes those test come in the form of real life trials that expose the Matter of the Heart!

THERE is a saying bantered about, “You are what you eat.”  Lately, I’ve noticed a repeated axiom, providentially popping up in several readings of late: “We become what we focus upon.”  This principle can be found in many places in scriptures, but two come to mind in making the point: Psa. 115:8 & 2Cor 3:18.

WE don’t hear much about Spiritual Disciplines anymore.  Could that be a reason why we see so much undisciplined behavior in ourselves and in our society?  Tell me of one endeavor or accomplishment worth doing that does not possess a set of disciplines needing to be learned and then practiced, practiced, and practiced if it is to be done well? 

And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles.  …..continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.  Acts 2:42-46

In the inexorable blessings of Christ,
Neh. 8:10, Isa 30:15, Jas 1:2