Lessons from the Garden

Identity and Purpose

LATELY, I’ve been enjoying a little discovery I’ve coined by the phrase as “little providences,” a providential connecting of the dots in daily occurrences, encounters with scripture, devotional readings, sermons, conversations, happenstance, and such, … life’s “seemingly” random events that are not.  I don’t know, maybe these “little providential” happenings have always occurred and I’ve not taken notice in my business or naiveté, but they sure seem to be happening a lot lately, to my great enjoyment and fascination. 

ANYWAY, I’ve been encountering from different avenues of late, much on the topic of “identity,” the significant role and influence our identity (or lack thereof) places in shaping our thinking, doing, and achieving.  From a Christian perspective, it is “not I but Christ” that is central to our identity; but the depth of that statement is somewhat elusive and lost on most, as it is not a topic that is discussed all that much.  Connected to this principle of “identity” is “purpose.”  Who we are determines a great deal, if not everything, regarding the direction we take and the purpose we seek to fulfill.  Who we are in Christ is crucial to that understanding and sense of direction.

AS previously noted, I’ve rediscovered some past devotional material that I have thought to share in these musings.  Looking at the one for today I’m reminded of the solid foundation these thoughts have laid for my own Christian walk.  I’m reminded how I learned later on the critical truth and central focus of God’s purpose to bring each one of his own into conformity to Christ as described in Romans 8:29, where our true identity and purpose resides.  We were created in the image of God, but sin brought its ruin and destructive work, and now through the redemptive work of Christ our heavenly Father is bringing back to each of his own his purpose and design, perfectly manifested in his Son.

BY way of illustration, I recall a few years back, spending some time with one of my grandsons in Arizona. I bought a little plastic submarine model kit to build with him (he was into submarines at the times), and after we finished it, his was very intent on painting it.  That wasn’t really my desire, but it was certainly his.  He carried the little model everywhere he went, talked about how it should and would be painted.  He was very focused and intent on seeing that submarine become what he imagined it in his minds eye it ought to be.  Needless to say, eventually it was, much to his joy and immense satisfaction.  ………..So it is with us.  What God has purposed for his own, he will do.  His hand will not be stayed. – Phil. 1:6.

SO, with that thought, here’s another offering from Miles Stanford, None But the Hungry Heart.    



“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him” (2 Chronicles. 16:9).

All of God’s thoughts concerning us are centered in His Son, where He has placed us. Hence they are “thoughts of peace, and not of evil” (Jeremiah 29:11). Others may do evil against us, but our Father turns it into our good, for Jesus’ sake.

“The purpose of God is that through the conditions and sufferings of my life should develop in me the features of His Son. On the one hand, the features of the old creation may be seen to be more and more terrible and horrible, as I recognize them in myself; but over against that God is doing something which is other than my old self. He is bringing into being Another, altogether other, and that is His Son, my new life. Slowly, seemingly all too slowly; nevertheless something is developing. The sonship is not very much in evidence yet, but it is going to be manifested. What God has been doing will come out into the light eventually, conformity to the image of His Son.” -T. A-S.

“Afflictions are in the hands of the Holy Spirit to effect the softening of the heart in order to receive heavenly impression. Job said, ‘God maketh my heart soft’ (Job 23:16). As the wax in its natural hard state cannot take the impress of the signet, and needs to be melted to render it susceptible, so the believer is by trials prepared to receive, and made to bear, the divine likeness.”

“Rooted and built up in Him, and established in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving” (Colossians 2:7).