"The Complete Green Letters" Index and Posts
There are a few books on a shelf that I keep near my desk, close at hand, and return too frequently. These are old friends that have nurtured me along the way, and continue to refresh and keep me centered in my Christian walk.
One book that is particularly valued and vital to spiritual growth is titled The Complete Green Letters by Miles Stanford. It is a compilation of five other stand-alone smaller books written by Miles Stanford, each found under five separate chapter headings. With permission I have commented here on the first two chapters, Part Two: Foundations for Spiritual Growth, and Part One: Principles of Spiritual Growth, in that order. I believe this is a better reading of the material, reviewing Part Two first, followed by Part One.
Note: Part One comments are not yet fully published here, as it is a work in progress. In the future, I may review and comment on the other three chapters.
The chapter heading titles found in The Complete Green Letters differ some from the original stand-alone versions, many of which are no longer in print. Part Two titled Foundations of Spiritual Growth was published as a stand-alone under the title of The Principle of Position. Part One titled Principles of Spiritual Growth was originally published as The Green Letters. Both are two works that excel in pointing us to our one immutable foundation, Christ.
All spiritual life and growth is based upon the principle of position. It can be summed up in one word: source. – MS
Thus, The Complete Green Letters point to Christ, the all sufficient one Who alone upholds and sustains all that is built upon Him. It is my humble opinion that Miles Stanford has performed an immense service in capturing and presenting the precious truths of our Union with Christ in such a way to make clear its vast and practical implications of what it means to be “in Christ.”
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death (Rom. 1:1-2)
The topic index is as follows:
Part Two: Foundations for Spiritual Growth
Part One: Principles of Spiritual Growth
Part Five: A Guide to Spiritual Growth
Part Four: The Realization of Spiritual GrowthFour
19. Position Defined and Illustrated
20. Justification and Assurance
21. Reconciliation and Acceptance
22. Completeness and Security
23. Sanctification and Consecration
24. Identification and Growth
25. Sin and Purged Conscience
26. Sins and Conscience
27. Sins and Light
28. Sins and Confession
1. Faith
2. Time
3. Acceptance
4. Purpose
5. Preparation
6. Complete in Him
7. Appropriation
8. Identification
9. Consecration
10. Self
11. Self-denial
12. The Cross
13. Discipleship
14. Process of Discipleship
15. Rest
16. Help
17. Cultivation
18. Continuance
55. “The Way Up Is Down”
56. Think Position!
57. Keep Looking Down
62. The Spirit’s Ministry
63. The Spirit’s Goal
40. Principles of Reckoning
41. Three Steps in Reckoning
42. Knowledge of Reckoning
43. Spirit Applied Reckoning
44. Service and Reckoning
45. Romans 6 Reckoning
46. Romans 7 Reckoning
47. Romans 8 Reckoning
48. The Self-life and Reckoning
49. Reckoning in Galatians 2:20
50. Reckoning in Philippians 3:10
51. Reckoning in Colossians 3
52. The Rest of Reckoning
The Complete Green Letters Read in this order: Part Two, Part One, Part Five, and Part Four
Part Two - Foundations for Spiritual Growth
Part One - Principles of Spiritual Growth
Part Five -A Guide to Spiritual Growth
Part Four - The Realization of Spiritual Growth
Reckoning in Philippians 3:10 – Part 3 (lesson of my step-father)
December 13, 2024
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