Relationships-Part 2
CONTINUING from the previous comment in an aside from our normal path of study in Principles of Spiritual Growth, we are looking at a two part-commentary from Mark Hamby related…
CONTINUING from the previous comment in an aside from our normal path of study in Principles of Spiritual Growth, we are looking at a two part-commentary from Mark Hamby related…
I AM going to take another little detour from our normal path of study in Principles of Spiritual Growth. In the past I have occasionally shared comments from Lamplighters Publications,…
There is a further stripping, right down to the germ of life, right on down until there is nothing left but Christ, who is our life. THAT is how our…
WE are in Chapter 14 of Principles of Spiritual Growth, The Process of Discipleship. I ended last time commenting that I often tell my students at CCA “Gardens just don’t…
AS promised, we are returning to our study in Principles of Spiritual Growth, taking up the next in Chapter 14, The Process of Discipleship. As I muse on this I’m…
WELL, this will be my third trek on this detour from our study in our book The Complete Green Letters, Part One - Principles of Spiritual Growth. The diversion stems…